The subscription is £95 per year. We are offering a first-year membership of £50 to anyone aged between 25 and 50, and a free first-year membership to under-25s. Juniors are free. Tourists and visitors, or those living at least 25 miles from the club, can join for £25. Please note that members do not pay extra for playing in local leagues, or for the club's In-house competitions and events (excluding Jumbles).
Membership application forms can be downloaded from the Contact Us page.​
Visiting bowlers can play for £3 on the day, depending on the availability of a member to open the premises to give access to equipment. Casual visitors are requested to attend a taster session (to be arranged), but if this is not possible, please use the Contact Us page to request a scheduled visit. The club holds annual Bowls England sponsored Open Days for new bowlers to try the sport. To date, we have been successful in recruiting new members.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide excellent bowling and club facilities for the benefit of all members and our guests. To satisfy this purpose, Richmond (Yorks) Bowls Club's aim is to INSPIRE through :
Increasing and attracting new members by promoting the club as a place where fun and friendships are fostered.
Notifying and encouraging members to attend and participate in our In-House club events, weekly leagues, and occasional tournaments.
Supporting members by providing friendly and constructive instruction that will encourage them to play the game to the best of their ability.
Providing a harmonious social environment for members, their families, visitors and guests.
Involving our club in the community by making our facilities available to schools, local groups, disabled people and other organisations.
Recognising and maintaining the integrity and respect of the sport and that of its fellow members.
Ensuring that all bowlers are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.